Famfi has in-house Medicare Advisory Specialists to assist you with Medicare supplements, stand-alone Prescription Drug Plans, Medicare Advantage Plans, as well as generic consulting on the Medicare enrollment process.
PERSONALIZED (agregar una foto como saludos de mano, ver pagina web IMAwealth.com)
Our Medicare Specialists utilize a 1:1 approach to ensure specific, individual needs are met,
Annually certified and extensive trained on the various aspects of Medicare, our Specialists have years of experience between them.
The individualized process is fully customized, and each client is guided from beginning to end by our specialists.
Learning about Medicare? Here are 10 things to know that can help you quickly understand Medicare health care insurance.
¿Se pregunta si le conviene un plan Medicare Advantage? Conozca los conceptos básicos de Medicare y vea cómo puede obtener todos los beneficios de Medicare Original, más cobertura dental, de la vista, de la audición y de medicamentos de venta con receta, y mucho más; todo en un solo plan Medicare Advantage.Dale a tus clientes una razón para hacer negocios contigo.
Family and Finance LLC
716 East 4th Avenue, El Paso, Texas 79901, United States